Interim Thoughts

A plea and two updates!

Friendship pad

First, the plea:

As part of the interim process, we are studying our worship attendance. For this reason, it is very important for those attending the 8am and 10am services to sign the friendship pads in each of the pews.

Those of you who live stream the 10am service, please check in online. I promise we will not use the info to contact you about your car’s warranty, nor subject you to robocalls on your cell phone! Signing in will greatly assist us in determining our average worship attendance.

Why is that important? Because an accurate average worship attendance number helps us understand what percentage of our membership participates in worship Sunday mornings. It will also help us understand the demographics of our attendance. So, please help us by signing in.

First update:

Session has set aside Saturday morning, December 9, to begin work on implementing the recommendations from Lombard Peace Center. As I mentioned in an earlier post, this meeting is only the beginning of the implementation process.

There will be regular meetings with updates provided to the congregation as this process gets underway. We will most definitely keep you informed.

Second update:

OK, I’ve heard some questions concerning the interim process and when we can form the PNC. A couple people have already stated they want to be on the PNC.

Here is what is happening. First, Session will begin implementing the Lombard recommendations as stated above. This will take some time. Once that process is firmly underway we will conduct a Mission Study. That study will form the background information for the Mission Discernment Document that will be circulated in our denomination advertising our search.

Once the Mission Study is approved by Presbytery, we will be given permission to elect a Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). That committee will nominate individuals to serve on the PNC. They are then elected at a called meeting of the congregation.

The PNC will then write the Mission Discernment document and present it to Presbytery for their approval. Once approval is granted, the search will begin.

Let me be clear, the PNC will work, writing the document, reading applications, interviewing potential candidates. They will meet at least once a week and, at times, more often. Travel may also be involved. They will be listening to many, many, many sermons. They will be talking to many references. This is a commitment which will consume many hours.

It will probably be six months or so before we elect a PNC. Once fully underway, the search can last into the fall of 2024, possibly beyond.

In the meantime, remember, God is good.

Pastor Tim
Interim Senior Pastor

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