Interim Thoughts

An Update is Available

Updates are important. You have probably received notifications on your cell phone that an update is available for you to download and install. That may also be true for any software you have on your computer at home or at work. Updates keep the software current and running well.

Updates are also important for congregations. They take a different form but are just as important. This Sunday, following the 10am worship service, we will be offering what I call a “Town Hall” meeting. This has been my practice in other interims I have served. The Town Hall is not a meeting of the congregation to conduct any business. We will not be voting on anything or electing anyone. So then, why the meeting and why should you stay for it?

Updates are also important for congregations. They take a different form but are just as important. This Sunday, following the 10am worship service, we will be offering what I call a “Town Hall” meeting. This has been my practice in other interims I have served. The Town Hall is not a meeting of the congregation to conduct any business. We will not be voting on anything or electing anyone. So then, why the meeting and why should you stay for it?

The purpose of the “Town Hall” is to provide an update for the congregation. I believe it is essential to keep the congregation informed during the interim time. For that reason, I believe it is important to provide information concerning where we are in the transitional process. You are probably aware it has been a number of years since WPC has engaged this process. As you know, the process involves a couple of important steps. I’ll also be sharing why it is important for congregations to engage the interim process, and why it is an important opportunity for WPC. In case you’re wondering, there will still be fellowship time in the fellowship hall following the meeting! See you Sunday! Even when it’s cold outside, God is good!

Pastor Tim
Interim Senior Pastor
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