Pastor Nominating Committee Update

Update 3
The Pastor Nominating Committee has been very active and continues its efforts in the search for our new Senior Pastor / Head of Staff. Here are a few highlights since our last monthly update. In this last month…
Please continue to pray for us and God’s guidance as we continue our work!
- Reviewed 20 more resumes / profiles for a total of more than 70 candidates that have been considered
- Watched sermons of 5 more candidates for a total of 15 candidate’s sermons
- Conducted 3 initial / screening interviews and 1 second round interview with all PNC members
- Reached out to 13 Seminary Presidents and ministers to request referrals
- With the help of our office staff, we developed a Pastor Nominating Committee web page for our WPC website to share our process and provide updates… to be released soon!
- Partnered with the Personnel Committee to create a job description and annual evaluation process to support our new Sr Pastor / Head of Staff. These have been approved by Session.
Please continue to pray for us and God’s guidance as we continue our work!