Worthington Preschool

WPC Elders

What is Session?

Presbyterian congregations operate under Sessions, which are composed of elected elders and the church's pastors. At WPC, our Elders work together to provide essential worship, learning, fellowship, and service to every member, demonstrating prayerful leadership and effective governance.

Session Connection

A new process has been created as a direct communication channel for all church members and staff to share their thoughts with Session.

The process aims to facilitate transparent communication, while allowing Ruling Elders to efficiently address feedback. 

Ruling Elders

Term ends 2025

Larry Case, Endowment Committee
Anne Krieger, Finance Committee
Kate Lane, Children's Committee
Joan Patton, Personnel Committee
Mark Ranck, Facilities Committee
Bill Woods, Personnel Committee

Term ends 2026

Wade Duym, Generosity Committee
Dan Foley, Worship & Music Committee
Bob Freed, Membership & Fellowship Committee
Bill Gilbert, Youth Committee
Sheri Holcomb, Mission Committee
Ray Mundy, Nominating Committee

Term ends 2027

Mike Farley, Facilities Committee
Doug Gilmore, Finance Committee
Gary Riddle, Nominating Committee
Suzanne Surface, Adult Education Committee
Deb Timcho, Personnel Committee
Rev. Wayne Morrison, Moderator
Marian Greuling, Clerk of Session
 Anne Krieger, Treasurer
Rev. Dr. Tom Rice, Pastor for Discipleship
 Rev. Betsy Rice, Pastor for Member Ministries