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Children's Ministry

Sunday School
All children are welcome to join Sunday School during the 10:00am worship service. Children dismiss from the sanctuary following a brief children's message at the beginning of the service. Nursery care is provided for our youngest children each Sunday morning.

Our youngest children are invited to stay in the nursery starting at 9:45am through the end of worship each Sunday morning. Our nursery caretaker, Miss Tiffany, has been in WPC's nursery for several years and loves directing age-appropriate play amongst our children.

3 and 4 year olds
Children learn Bible stories through a unique storytelling experience that brings stories alive before their eyes. The age-appropriate lessons from "Young Children and Worship" use all of the children's senses to help develop understanding of what it means to experience and worship God.

Kindergarten - 2nd grade
As children begin to develop reading and writing skills, children learn Bible stories through activities, crafts, games and more using the "Spark" curriculum. Children's faith is activated through "Leaflet" activity pages to help children connect their understanding of God with the real world.

3rd - 5th grade
Building upon prior knowledge of Bible stories, older children continue developing their faith experience and knowledge using the "Spark" curriculum. Third graders receive their own personal copy of God's word each Fall as a commitment of WPC's promise to nurture young children in the Christian life. Children interreact with the Bible in every lesson helping kids navigate the story and begin to compare what they learn to their own life.
On the first Sunday of each month, Preschool - 3rd grade goes to the chapel for "Wee Worship" during Sunday School hour. 4th and 5th graders are encouraged to stay and worship with their families so they may partake in communion.

Tuesday Nights Together
For all ages

On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month all ages are welcome to join for an evening of fellowship and fun!
Dinner is served at 6pm in Fellowship hall, with adult and children's classes to follow until 7:45pm. Children learn Bible stories, play games, do crafts, and participate in music. Nursery care is provided for younger children.
Dinner is served at 6pm in Fellowship hall, with adult and children's classes to follow until 7:45pm. Children learn Bible stories, play games, do crafts, and participate in music. Nursery care is provided for younger children.
Spring 2025 Dates
January 14- See Joy in God’s Creation
January 28- Feel Joy in God’s Mercy
February 11- Share Others’ Joy
February 25- Practice Joy at All Times
March 11- Hear Hope
March 25- See Hope
April 8- Share Hope
April 29 (*5th Tuesday)- Proclaim Hope
May 13 End of Year Picnic
January 28- Feel Joy in God’s Mercy
February 11- Share Others’ Joy
February 25- Practice Joy at All Times
March 11- Hear Hope
March 25- See Hope
April 8- Share Hope
April 29 (*5th Tuesday)- Proclaim Hope
May 13 End of Year Picnic
Children's Classes
Each year we offer three different classes designed for our older children. In September we hold a Sacraments class for our 4th and 5th graders in preparation for receiving their first Communion. In October we hold a Bibles class for our 3rd graders in preparation for receiving their third grade Bible. In February we hold a 10 Commandments class for our 5th graders as they prepare to enter youth ministry. Each class is held for 3-4 weeks starting at 9:00am before worship. If you would like to sign your child up for a class, please reach out to the church office or fill out the contact form below.

Children's Ministry Connection
The Children's Ministry Connection is a monthly newsletter that covers all of the things that are happening in WPC's children's ministry. If you are interested in recieving this newsletter, please reach out to Annie. The current and previous editions are also available below.
Club 45
For our 4th, 5th graders and their friends….a fun, safe place to call “their own”
and a time to connect with God through playfulness and service.
and a time to connect with God through playfulness and service.
2024 - 2025 Schedule
Once a month!
September 20- Game night
October 25- Trunk or Treat and Halloween fun!
November 22- Service project and games
December 8- Christmas movie
January 19- Game day
February 23- Escape Room
March 6- Animal shelter service project
April 6- Bowling with WPC youth
October 25- Trunk or Treat and Halloween fun!
November 22- Service project and games
December 8- Christmas movie
January 19- Game day
February 23- Escape Room
March 6- Animal shelter service project
April 6- Bowling with WPC youth
Children in Worship
WPC welcomes all children to participate in worship. From scripture readings, to children's messages, to singing songs learned at Tuesday Nights Together, there are many opportunities for your child to be involved in our worship services. During Lent, children process in on Palm Sunday with the "waving of the palms" parade. During Advent, children perform in an annual Christmas pageant.

Vacation Bible School
Each year WPC hosts a week of Vacation Bible for children preschool through rising fifth graders. Children play games, sing songs, do crafts, and learn Bible stories led by several volunteers from the church. Last year we enjoyed a week of fun at "Camp Firelight" and the fun did not disappoint!
Mark your calendar: Vacation Bible School will take place June 2-6, 2025
Mark your calendar: Vacation Bible School will take place June 2-6, 2025
Want to know more about our children's ministry at WPC?
Please contact Annie Barner, Interim Coordinator for Children's Ministries