Worthington Preschool

2025-2026 Registration Now Open! Click HERE to register

"The best coffee in town! It's awesome!"

- John Evans

"It's my absolute favorite place to go!"

- Greg Smith

Worthington Preschool Mission Statement:

"To nurture the social, emotional, educational and spiritual growth of each child in a loving Christian environment."

Worthington Presbyterian Church Preschool teachers with Christmas trees

Who We Are

We are a play-based preschool, founded 55 years ago, offering half-day/morning classes for 3, 4 and 5 year olds. We follow State of Ohio content standards, while featuring a developmentally appropriate curriculum, focusing on socialization skills and learning in a success-oriented environment.  Most of our qualified and degreed staff/teachers are past WPPS parents that have been here for many years... their true love of WPPS shows in their dedication to your children. At WPPS, we are a family!
Click Here to Learn More About Our Teachers
Children coloring at a table  at Worthington Presbyterian Church Preschool

What We Do

Our goal is to foster a love of learning that will carry on throughout the next 15+ years of your child's education. We respond to the needs of our students by providing a success-oriented environment in which positive words and actions encourage each child to ask questions, make choices, grow in self-confidence and self-control, develop respect for self/others and feel a joy and curiosity for learning.  We believe in developing a partnership with parents/families so that each child can grow to reach their full potential.    
children in a group at Worthington Presbyterian Church Preschool

What's Different

We keep our classroom size small and maintain a student/teacher ratio below the state requirement, allowing more one-on-one connections between students and teachers. We meet each child where they are, academically and socially, and work with the families to provide the best preschool experience possible for each child. We truly believe in the "power of playtime" and incorporate age appropriate learning into playtime seamlessly.  We are more than just a childcare center...we are a second home!

 Worthington Preschool

"This preschool is magical! My son was hesitant to leave us at first, but the teachers and staff made him feel so comfortable that he quickly adjusted and is having a great time.  Making new friends and learning to love school." 

- Jessica, Past Preschool Parent

"Can't imagine being anywhere else! The moment my husband and I walked through the doors, we both knew this was the place we wanted our boys to be. From the warm atmosphere of the school itself, to the friendly staff, we couldn't be happier!"

- Kim, Past Preschool Parent

“Worthington Presbyterian Preschool will forever have a special place in my heart.  It is a wonderful treasure of a preschool!  Our two kids went to WPPS  over a span of five years, and we met some of our closest friends there, still to this day.  It is such a loving community, filled with teachers and staff who sincerely cared about every aspect of our daughter and son: their minds, hearts and spirits.  We appreciated the rich curriculum and fun-loving approach to learning that our kids experienced.  They were so well prepared for kindergarten, both academically and socially. And we felt our kids’ preschool experience was made even more meaningful with the extra programing: the pastor’s monthly Children’s Moment, music class each month, as well as the Enrichment class and Lunch Bunch.  Getting to know the other families at Worthington Presbyterian Preschool was a huge bonus, and we feel so lucky to be part of the WPPS family. ”

- Sara, Past Preschool Parent 

“The wonderful group of preschool teachers at Worthington Presbyterian truly cares about each child's individual development. Not only do they promote academic growth, but they also foster social and emotional development in a fun, safe atmosphere. I have seen firsthand the positive impact that this preschool has had on my child, and I couldn't be more grateful for the caring and dedicated educators who make it all possible”

- Ashley, Current Preschool Parent 

"Worthington Presbyterian Preschool has held a special place in our hearts for many years. Our 3rd child is currently attending and the preschool has provided a foundation of learning for all three of our kids. The teachers treat us like family, and it is an environment that we look forward to going to each week. I can't say enough about the extra care for our kiddos as well as helping them discover a joy for learning! WPPS is top-notch! "

- Maureen, Current Preschool Parent 

"Worthington Presbyterian Preschool has provided a loving, organized, and peaceful educational environment which has nurtured my daughter’s love for learning and enabled her to confidently start kindergarten. "

- Jenna, Current Preschool Parent 

"I feel like the preschool community has supported me in my development as a parent in addition to helping my child grow and learn. When I talk about preschools with my friends, I always mention this and we agree that WPPS is unique in that way.  I love the programs here and the pleasant, friendly community, and I am so blessed that WPPS has been good for our entire family."

- Lauren, Past Preschool Parent 

“We are so glad we found WPPS! The staff and teachers are fantastic and go out of their way to help our kids feel part of their classroom family.”

- Natalie, Current Preschool Parent 

"WPPS is such a special place.  It has been an incredible positive four years here for both of our children.  WPPS nurtures the perfect balance of play and learning outcomes."

- Heidi, Past Preschool Parent 
Open Enrollment begins in January for all classes and required registration paperwork can be completed online. Students must be potty trained and the cut-off for each age-specific class is Sept 30. 
We offer classes for four different age ranges of children...Young 3's, 3's, 4's and 5's. Each class curriculum is age-appropriate and teachers can custom tailor activities to fit each individual child's needs. 
In addition to our regular 9am-12pm classes, we also offer programs that can extend your child's school day and provide even more opportunities for building social-emotional skills and independence.
Registration Packets will be uploaded to current students' Brightwheel profiles on Jan 5 for Priority Registration beginning at 12:01am 1/6/25. Open Enrollment begins January 8. Open Enrollment Registration Packets can be accessed starting Jan 8 by clicking the link above. All of our registrations are done online, so you will be prompted to create a Brightwheel account prior to accessing the Registration Packet. Contact us with any questions!
Feel free to peruse our Parent Handbook to learn about our guidelines, policies and procedures, to make sure we are the right fit for your family.  All students must be potty trained and be current on all vaccinations required by ODJFS. 
We like to fill the year with fun events and activities for our kids and their families. From our Fall trip to the pumpkin patch to our "Field Days" event in the spring, we offer lots of "extra" opportunities for our students.

Enrollment Information

We provide half-day (morning only) preschool for ages 3-5, from September thru May.  All registrations for enrollment are submitted through Brightwheel, our online registration system, starting in January of the calendar year of planned enrollment.  Once you have created an account and a profile for your child in Brightwheel, all required paperwork will be displayed for easy completion and submission.

Children who turn/turned 3 before September 30 of the school year in which they are enrolling and are potty-trained can be placed in age-appropriate class of the parents' choosing. Children who turn 3 after September 30, but before January 31, can enroll in our Young 3's class, which starts in January.  

In order to secure your child's spot, we require the Enrollment Fee ($60 per child/$80 per family) and the WPPS Registration Form/Policies Agreement.  No other fees or paperwork are due until May 1, when a non-refundable tuition deposit and one-time supply fee is due. Tuitions and fees are outlined below.

Priority registration will be given to current families with children in the school, as well as to members of the Worthington Presbyterian Church. Priority Registration begins the 1st week of January. Open Enrollment for students starts the 2nd week of January.

All State Licensing (ODJFS) required forms must be on file before your child can attend classes. Children must be potty trained and be current on all vaccinations recommended by the State of Ohio. Children who have not had all the recommended immunizations will not be permitted to attend Worthington Presbyterian Preschool. For more information on our school policies, please refer to the Parent Handbook.

For additional instructions on how to use our Brightwheel registration system, click here.

If you are ready to register now, click here to access our Registration Packet.

It is unlawful for the school to discriminate in the enrollment of children upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.  It is our policy to treat all children and families with equal concern and respect.  Children with special needs, including disabilities and chronic health problems, will be included on a case by case basis after the determination of the appropriateness of placement in our preschool classes.  Parents, private medical and therapeutic consultants, and school personnel will make this determination and reassess it when necessary.

Preschool Class Offerings

All of our classes meet from 9:00am-12:00pm.
Optional School Day Extensions:
Lunch Bunch (M-Th) until 1:00pm & Enrichment (Wed) until 2:15pm

Young 3 Year Old's Class

3 years old after Sept 30 but before Jan 31
Starts in January
$175/month or $1575/year

3 Year Old's Classes

3 years old by Sept 30
$205/month or $1845/year
$245/month or $2250/year

4 Year Old's Classes

4 years old by Sept 30
$245/month or $2205/year
$295/month or $2650/year

5 Year Old's Pre-K Class

5 years old by Sept 30
$335/month or $3015/year

Enrichment Class

Open to 4 and 5 year olds only
$115/month or $1035/year
Enrichment meets from 12-2:15 every Wednesday. Registration is first come, first serve and open to all enrolled 4 & 5 year olds.

Lunch Bunch

Open to 3's, 4's and 5's
$40 x Days per week/month
Lunch Bunch meets until 1:00 every school day but Friday. Sign-ups occur at the beginning of the school year and open to all enrolled students.

About our curriculum

Get to know more about what makes us special

WPPS teachers are trained to provide relevant, meaningful interactions and experiences for young children in an emotionally and physically safe and healthy environment.  Our teachers prepare "hands-on," self-directed curriculum for each classroom with age and individually appropriate materials and activities to foster growth in self-esteem, social interactions and positive attitudes toward learning.  The bullet points to the right provide more details and examples of how we use the school day to help foster a true love for learning and prepare our students for Kindergarten and beyond!
  • Social Awareness:  dramatic play, modeling of positive interactions, community visitors, field trips
  • Physical Activities:  daily opportunities to build large muscles (climbing, balancing, swinging, throwing, riding tricycles, etc.) and small muscles (puzzles, manipulatives, painting, cutting, etc.)
  • Language/Literacy:  hearing and seeing the written word (books, recordings, flannel board stories, opportunities for children to express ideas and feelings)
  • Creative Arts:  process-oriented activities involving a variety of tactile materials (paints, markers, crayons, play dough, carpentry supplies, etc.)
  • Science/Math Readiness: nature study, cooking experiences, number concept games, measuring, counting, sorting, classifying, etc.
  • Music/Creative Movement: singing, listening, recordings, musical instruments, rhythm and movement activities

Additional Enrollment Opportunities for Your Preschooler at WPPS

Lunch Bunch: M-Th 12:00-1:00

Lunch Bunch is a great opportunity to help foster independence and develop more social awareness and skills.  Kids from various WPPS classrooms gather together in one room to enjoy lunch and playtime together.  Kids bring their own packed lunches and teachers are on hand to help, as needed.  Lunch Bunch sign-up occurs at the beginning of the school year and spots fill up fast. It is open to all students, with the exception of the Young 3's. Have your child join us Mon, Tues, Wed and/or Thur....or any combination of those days, for an hour filled with friends, food and fun! 

Enrichment: Wed 12:00-2:15

Enrichment is an exciting way for your child to further build on their love of learning, engage with a diverse group of students, be creative and explore the world around them. Enrichment focuses on a specific theme each year, on a rotating basis for kids that attend more than one year.  Next year's Enrichment theme will be a journey around the world, visiting a different continent each month, and learning about the countries' traditions, cutoms, foods, etc.  Enrichment is open to students in our 4's and 5's classes and sign-up occurs at the time of preschool registration. We limited the class size to only 15 kids to maximize their learning potential.  Kids bring their own lunch to eat together at the beginning of class before diving into the day's enrichment adventure.  Studies show that participation in enrichment classes boosts self-confidence and self-esteem, helping children overcome fears and uncertainty they will face in their future, so sign up now.

WPPS Special Events and Field Trips

school activities and family events

Meet the Teacher Playdates
Gather on our playground in August at your designated time to meet your teachers, classmates and parents before school starts.
Parent Coffee
While your child is in their first day of class, join our Director, our Program Assistant and other parents for an informative and fun introduction to WPPS.
Children's Moments
Once per month, students join the Pastor of Discipleship in our beautiful sanctuary for a brief, and age appropriate, Christian message.
Music Class
Also once per month, our music teacher comes, with her drums, and bells and cymbals, to sing and dance with each class.
Speech, Hearing and Vision Screenings
Trained professionals come to WPPS for optional Speech and Hearing assessments, as well as Vision Screenings, once per year.
Trunk or Treat
WPPS teams up with the church for a Trunk or Treat evening event for families each October, including a hot dog dinner and Halloween fun on the Village Green.
Halloween Party and Costume Parade
Parents gather on the Village Green for the WPPS Halloween Costume Parade. After the parade, kids return to their classrooms for some Halloween fun.
Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Feast
The day before Thanksgiving Break, classes gather for a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving inspired feast of Pretzels, Toast, Popcorn (Pirate's Booty) and Jelly Beans.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
In the Fall and Spring, teachers carve out time to meet with each parent to discuss the progress their child is making and answer any questions parents might have.
Family Christmas Concert
Families gather in the Sanctuary to watch each class performance. After the concert, join us for a Hot Cocoa Bar and Christmas Photo Booth.
Parents of Preschoolers Group
Dr. Yvonne Gustafson (Dr. Y), an author, teacher, coach and consultant, has been a lifeline for families for over 30 years. She has solutions that work and as a member of our church, she provides a free monthly parenting session for the families of WPPS.
Family Open House
Each classroom chooses a different children’s author, and the walls and classrooms are filled with student-made artwork and projects based on the authors. Every classroom is has a different activity or craft for the whole family to enjoy.
Spirit Week
For one week during the early Spring, kids and teachers get excited to dress up and wear silly hats and crazy hair. Whacky, fun daily “themes” add real excitement during Spirit Week each year.
Valentine's Day Parties
At WPPS, we love love, so each February, we celebrate Valentine’s Day in the classroom with special treats, crafts and activities.
Picture Day
In the Spring, Professional Photographer’s come to take individual and class photos. Pictures are taken outside (weather permitting) and can be ordered in a variety of package options.
Field Days
Each Spring, when the weather turns warmer, we host Field Days on the Village Green. Kids rotate through various stations with age appropriate activities, like Egg Races, Obstacle Courses, Balloon Volleyball and Popsicles.
End of Year Family Picnic
On the last day of school, families bring a picnic and gather on the Village Green to celebrate the start of summer. A school bus and/or fire engine are provided to explore, as well as bubbles, tattoos and Dilly Bars.
Music Class
Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Feast
Family Christmas Concert
Field Days
End of the Year Picnic

field trips

Lehner's Pumpkin Farm
Classes meet at the pumpkin patch one morning each fall instead of coming to school. All families members are welcome to join in the fun.
Stratford Ecological Center
Our 4's and 5's classes make an annual visit to this hands-on, educational, working farm in Delaware. Parent's provide transportation and stay for the visit.
Worthington Firestation
A walking field trip to the local firestation where kids learn Fire Safety and get up close and personal with the firestation and fire trucks.
Worthington Public Library
Located just across High Street, the kids love to walk with their class to the Library for a tour and storytime with the librarian.
Graeter's Ice Cream
Our most popular Field Trip by far! Kids walk to Graeter's Ice Cream in Old Worthington and learn about how ice cream is made. And of course, everyone gets an ice cream treat!
Routine Field Trips Around the Village Green
In addition to scheduled field trips, classes also make good use of our central Village Green location for lots of "around the block" field trips, scavanger hunts and exploration.

We use our big muscles everyday, rain or shine

No matter the weather, every class has their own individual time using their big muscles everyday! Our outdoor playground is connected to our building and completely enclosed.  It is our own private playground that is not shared with anyone else.  With swings, slides, climbing walls, a basketball hoop, a playhouse and tricycles/rakes/bubbles, there are plenty of opportunities to get all their energy out!  If the temperature is below 32 degrees or raining, we use our indoor Muscle Room instead......a slide, climbing wall, treehouse and obstacle course, all surrounded by a whimsical city park themed mural makes even indoor large muscle time a hit!

Meet our teachers

Mrs. Brown

I have been a teacher at WPPS since 2021 and have worked with both the 3 and 4 year old age groups. I have a degree from The Ohio State University in Early Childhood Education and live in Westerville with my husband, Kevin and our dog, Henry. My favorite thing about teaching preschool is the wonderful bond I get to build with my students and their families each year!

Mrs. Ingham

I began my journey with WPPS in 2016, when my kids started preschool here. Life has come full circle and I am now teaching in the same room where my kids began their educational journey. I received my Early Childhood Education degree from Ohio University and my Masters in Special Education from The Ohio State University. My favorite part of teaching at WPPS is being a part of a preschool family that really helps children thrive! 

Mrs. Cinadr

I began teaching at WPPS in 2022. I graduated from The Ohio State University in 1997 and have been married for 20 years, with two daughters. My oldest is a Freshman at OU and my youngest, who attended WPPS in 2011, is now a sophomore at TWHS. My favorite part of teaching here is being connected to such a fantastic community of students, parents and teachers.

Mrs. Metzger

I have been teaching at WPPS since 2010 and have always taught in our 3 Year Old classes.  I grew up in Worthington, and my husband, Josh, and I chose to raise our sons here as well. Our oldest son is a Freshman at Bowling Green and our youngest is a Junior at WKHS. My favorite part of being a preschool teacher is building relationships with my students and their families and getting the opportunity to watch them grow up in our community.

Mrs. Gardner

I started working at WPPS in 2022.  I graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in Human Development and Family Science (HDFS). My husband and I have lived in Columbus for 25 years and we have two boys, Evan (10) and Cody (8).   My favorite part of teaching at WPPS is hearing all the cute stories that the kids share everyday...they make me smile and laugh!

Mrs. Reed

I am lucky to have been teaching at WPPS for over 11 years. During the school day you can find me in the four-day fours and
the enrichment class. I earned my Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Elementary Education from O.S.U. Additionally, I am the proud mother of an O.S.U. graduate and a current Franklin
University student. My favorite part of being a preschool teacher is when the kids run in all excited and ask what we are going to learn today.

Mrs. Hartwick

I have been teaching the Pre-K 5’s at WPPS since 2016. Originally from Canada, I immigrated to the US in 2005 and moved to Ohio in 2008, but still spend part of the summer up North on the lake.  I live in Worthington with my husband, our two sons, and our dog, Zeke. I love my job! My favorite part is watching the children learn and grow in a such a loving environment.

Mrs. West

I have been a teacher at WPPS since 2019, first as a sub, then as a full-time teacher, but I have been a part of our preschool family since 2016, when my daughters started attending. I have been a resident of Worthington for 8 years and am married and have two daughters, ages 9 and 11. My favorite part about being a preschool teacher is seeing the kids' sweet smiling faces as they walk in every morning and hearing all of their fun ideas and stories. 

Would you like a tour of our facility?
do you have a question about our program?

Our Director and Program Assistant are here for you

Carrie Houk

Preschool Director
My name is Carrie Houk & I have the privilege to serve as the Director of WPPS.  I am a proud graduate from BGSU with both a Bachelor’s degree, in Early Childhood Education, and a Master’s Degree, in School Counseling.  I was lucky to meet my supportive husband, Ryan, while in school at BG, my forever “Falcon Flame”. Worthington has been our home for the last 18 years, most of which has been filled with raising our 4 boys.  Tyler (15), Brayden (15), Cooper (12), and Lucas (12), all attended 2 years of preschool at WPPS before starting elementary school.  When our preschool years were coming to an end, I was thrilled to be offered a teaching job to start my working journey at this place we call a “second home”.  I have always loved working with children & families but those in our community are near and dear to my heart. Four years later, I was blessed with the offer to serve as Director of WPPS; I couldn’t imagine anywhere else I would want to be.  My favorite part of my job is building positive and supportive relationships with staff, families, and the community to create a passionate partnership.  We can’t wait to welcome you to our WPPS Family! 

Erin Neff

Program Assistant
I have been a part of the WPPS family since my oldest nephew attended in 2003. I fell in love with the preschool then and enrolled my own daughters in 2016.  Upon my twin's matriculation onto kindergarten, I voiced my sadness about leaving WPPS after so many years, only to be offered a position as the Program Assistant just a few months later.  I have a Bachelor of Arts from Denison University and a MBA from Fisher College of Business, at The Ohio State University.  I have lived in Worthington since 1981 and attended Worthington Hills Elementary, Perry Middle School and McCord Middle School before I graduated from THE Worthington High School in 1991. After traveling and living in many different places, I returned to Worthington to marry my amazing husband, Scott, and raise our family. I have been married for 14 years and have 11 year old daughters and a Boston Terrier, named Buddy.  I have been the WPPS Program Assistant since 2020 and my favorite part of working at the preschool is connecting with the amazing families and greeting each kiddo with a smile and a compliment each morning while I work the car drop-off line. I feel so lucky to work here!

Want to know more about becoming a part of our WPPS family?

Fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Preschool Director | Carrie Houk



Recent WPPS Event Photos


Our Open House is one of our favorite events of the year! Each classroom selects a beloved children's book author and creates incredible art inspired by their theme. The artwork is displayed throughout the hallways, where parents and family members can stroll through, visit each classroom, and participate in fun crafts or activities. It's always a joy to see past students return with their siblings, and the scavenger hunt with prizes adds an extra layer of excitement to the event!     


Trunk or Treat at Worthington Preschool is becoming a tradition that we can all get behind.  each classroom teacher creates a unique trunk each year.....this year's trunks even incorporated a couple husbands in costume. It is a true family affair at WPPS.   

BACK TO SCHOOL 2024-2025

It's BACK TO SCHOOL time at Worthington Preschool! We are so excited to welcome our new students and to see our returning kids. It's always amazing to see how much they grow and mature in just one short summer!  

So far the year is off to an amazing start and the tears have been minimal.  Lots of happy kids, ready to learn and have fun with their new friends! We are looking forward to a GREAT year!