Changes at WPC
WPC worked with church consultants Ministry Architects in 2022 and, in the midst of congregational conflict, with the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center in 2023. Here are some of the changes that have resulted, changes that the Session believes will make WPC more faithful, vital, forgiving, and transparent:

- TNT, Tuesday Nights Together, began in October 2023. TNT brings church members closer and nurtures faith for all ages. Children’s, Youth, and Adult Education Committees created this twice-a-month program for Christian education, fellowship, and worship.
- The Children’s Ministry, Youth, and Adult Education committees developed seamless, comprehensive Christian educational goals and curriculum.
- Pastor Tom Rice led a month-long adult class on Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s The Book of Forgiving. The class has been deeply meaningful and will be repeated.
- In a retreat at WPC, members developed a new mission statement, which is now printed on the front wall of Hazelton Fellowship Hall. The mission statement shapes the life of WPC, and is now visible for church and community events.
- Session adopted “WPC Guidelines for Conflict Resolution,” taken from a denominational resource. Christians can disagree openly and respectfully and still worship and work together.
- Session began emailing and printing Session Updates announcing actions and discussions from each monthly Session meeting.
- Session Connection was launched as a means for a member to raise an issue or offer feedback to the church Session. Feedback may be offered on paper or online.
- The Presbytery of Scioto Valley called a full-time Presbyter for Congregational Life and Transitions, whose role includes helping congregations work through conflicts in the earliest stages.
- The Personnel Committee:
- Standardized staff job descriptions, roles, and responsibilities
- Updated procedures for standardized exit interviews
- Developed a comprehensive job description for a Senior Pastor/ Head of Staff as well as a new annual performance evaluation that includes congregational feedback
- Designed a Senior Pastor/ Head of Staff transition support team for the new pastor’s first 12- 18 months.
- Session has approved all of these actions.
- In process: a new visitor center in Hazelton Fellowship Hall and a hospitality team to greet and engage visitors as they enter and exit worship
- To be approved in April 2025: documented roles and responsibilities for committee chairs, including a process for training new committee chairs
Posted in Announcements