Worthington Preschool

Coat & Blanket Drive

To help to keep those who don’t have money for new coats and blankets warm through the cold winter months.

We deliver all of the coats and blankets to the Our Lady of Guadalupe Center. Its coordinator, Alma Santos, has been working with us for several years. Her mother started the food pantry out of the back of a minivan in 1999 as a way to give back what had been given to her and her children after they became homeless following a divorce. “She didn’t know when or where but always knew she had a ‘deuda’” or debt to pay back, Santos said. Started to offer food and encouragement, the center has become a life-changer, she said. “Every day that I come to work, I see myself in the children that come ... and I can see my mom in their parents,” Santos said. “That is why I am so driven to do more.”

TIME COMMITMENT: Shopping and preparation 1-2 hours

MORE INFORMATION: Please contact Pastor Tom Rice at trice@wpcnow.org


May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.