To serve Christ by serving others. Feeding the hungry and supporting those in need by providing food and material assistance to NNEMAP.
We support the mission of the Near Northside Emergency Material Assistance Program (NNEMAP) who serves residents in need in Columbus by providing food and other resources. NNEMAP Food Pantry is a cooperative ministry of over 30 churches distributing food and material assistance to residents of the near north side of Columbus. NNEMAP’s clientele consists of families living at or near the poverty level. As a member agency of the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, NNEMAP’s primary focus is to provide individuals and families with a three-day supply of food up to two times each month. WPC has supported this mission for over the last 30 years by donating food pantry items and breaking down bulk goods (sugar, salt, coffee, dog/cat food, detergent).
To serve Christ by serving others. Feeding the hungry and supporting those in need by providing food and material assistance to NNEMAP.
We support the mission of the Near Northside Emergency Material Assistance Program (NNEMAP) who serves residents in need in Columbus by providing food and other resources. NNEMAP Food Pantry is a cooperative ministry of over 30 churches distributing food and material assistance to residents of the near north side of Columbus. NNEMAP’s clientele consists of families living at or near the poverty level. As a member agency of the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, NNEMAP’s primary focus is to provide individuals and families with a three-day supply of food up to two times each month. WPC has supported this mission for over the last 30 years by donating food pantry items and breaking down bulk goods (sugar, salt, coffee, dog/cat food, detergent).

Congregational breakdown of supplies for NNEMAP will occur on the 4th Sunday of each month in Hazelton Hall. We urgently need sugar, coffee, and salt for our next breakdown event. Additional pantry needs include personal care products (eg. laundry detergent tablets, adult diapers, razors, toothpaste, etc.), baby items including diapers and wipes, pet food, and non-perishable food. Please deposit any contributions into the wooden NNEMAP bin in Fellowship Hall. All ages welcome to participate in the breakdown. Questions or comments? Contact Lisa Abrams (Abrams.34@osu.edu or 614-406-1297). Thank you for supporting this mission!

Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help.
(Isaiah 58:7)
(Isaiah 58:7)