Worthington Preschool


Celebrating Life through the Service of Witness to the Resurrection

As a father has compassion for his children,
So the Lord has compassion for those who fear God.
“As a mother comforts her child, 
So I will comfort you,” says the Lord.

(Psalm 103:13, Isaiah 66:13)
If you have found this page because a loved one has died, please call the church office at 614-885-5355, and let us know.  If you call outside of office hours, please press extension 1, and leave a message (including your name and contact information) for the on-call pastor.  We will do everything in our power to have a pastor contact you directly as soon as possible.  We are so very sorry for your loss.

Providing care and support at the time of death and for those who are bereaved is one of our most sacred and precious ministries.  These ministries include:
  • in-person pastoral care as death approaches
  • leading funeral or memorials services (at church or elsewhere)
  • hosting receptions
  • maintaining an endowment fund for legacy gifts (Please contact church office for information)
  • maintaining a columbarium (Please contact the church office for information)

In Baptism each Christian shares in Christ’s dying and rising, and receives the promise of eternal and abundant life in him.  A Christian funeral rests upon the promises of Baptism and affirms that, in death, a Christian’s Baptism is complete.  In the face of death, we affirm with tears and joy the good news of the gospel and the hope of the resurrection.  We do not grieve in isolation, but are sustained by the power of the Holy Spirit and the community of faith.
--PC(USA) Directory for Worship, W-4.0701