Worthington Preschool

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry brings together individuals of all ages who share a passion for knitting and crocheting to create prayer shawls and various handcrafted items. Our mission is to provide comfort and support to those facing challenging times, celebrating joyful moments, or simply in need of a little extra care.

Who Can Join?
We welcome everyone—men and women, church members and non-members, young and old—regardless of skill level. Join us for an hour of fellowship each month, where we pray together, share our creations, and enjoy each other's company.

Our Journey
Founded over a decade ago by Associate Pastor Amy Avery Hampton and member Arnon Reichers, our ministry was inspired by a growing movement across the country. Initially, we met in both daytime and evening groups, but we now focus on our monthly gatherings.

What We Create
While we started by crafting prayer shawls for those in need, our offerings have expanded. They have included baptism cloths, hats for patients undergoing chemotherapy,  lap robes for wheelchair users, Military Watch Caps for service members, baby blankets,  and more. Around the holidays, we also contribute hats, scarves, and mittens for our annual mitten tree.

When We Meet
We meet in the Living Room, on the first floor of the church, on the first Tuesday of each month from 3 - 4pm. We welcome everyone for stitching & laughter!