Worthington Preschool


Good morning. Over the last several weeks, the Generosity Campaign Committee has been sharing Minutes for Mission regarding our campaign theme of “Building Up the Body of Christ”. You have heard about our Pastors & Administrative Staff, about our Music and Education Programs, and how blessed we are to have our Facility Manager, Chef and Custodians.  The people involved in all of these areas help us Build up the Body of Christ.  But there is another piece, and that last piece is YOU…the Congregation here at Worthington Presbyterian Church.

YOU are the ones who are there holding the doors open on Sunday morning, greeting our members and visitors and handing out the bulletin for that day’s service.

YOU are the ones who smile, shake hands and hug each other as you walk in to find seats and wait for service to begin, introducing yourselves to visitors and inviting them to our post-service coffee hour.

YOU are the ones who lend your voices to our choir or play the bells, the carillon and other instruments to enhance our worship services.

YOU are the ones who teach and guide our children in Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Club 45, at Tuesday Nights Together, or mentoring our Confirmands.

YOU are the ones who attend Adult Sunday School, Presbyterian Women meetings, the Men’s Breakfasts, and many other small groups to discuss, share, grow and learn together.

YOU are the ones who serve as our Elders, Deacons, and Stephen Ministers as well as serve on the many committees we have at WPC.

YOU are the ones who reach out beyond these walls, through our many Outreach Ministries, such as Habitat for Humanity, Montana de Luz, NNEMAP and the Charitable Pharmacy to name just a few.

November 10th is Commitment Sunday. It is the date for handing in our Annual Generosity Campaign pledges for 2025.  Pledging helps the church plan for the following year. If you have pledged in the past, please consider increasing your pledge by 3.5% this year. If you have never pledged, or haven’t pledged recently, we ask that you consider making a pledge this year.
For YOU are the ones who realize that one way to grow your faith is through active generosity. When you give of your time, talent and treasure, all of YOU are helping to Build the Body of Christ. Thank you.
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