Worthington Preschool

Pledge Update

Pledges for 2025 continue to come in – to those who have completed your pledge, thank you! Based upon those who pledged in 2024, we are still looking for roughly 70 more pledges. If you have not submitted yours yet, please do so as soon as possible (via the offering plate, to the Finance Office, or the church website). Your pledge helps the Session plan responsibly and establish our budget for the coming year.
Below is a recap of our pledge status as of Tuesday, November 26th:
Goal: $ 1,403,000

$ to Date: $ 1,180,096

% to Goal: 84%
As reported last week, our pledge goal for 2025 is $1,403,000, which reflects a 3.3% increase from the budgeted pledges for 2024.  As of Nov. 26 we have received 209 pledges totaling $1,180,096, or 84%, of our goal.  Again, a sincere thanks to everyone who has pledged and your generosity - may it bring you joy as you bless others!