Lombard Date Change

When, exactly, is the next Lombard gathering? Due to a scheduling conflict the final Lombard gathering has been moved from September 9 to September 23. The time for the gathering remains the same; 8:30am – 1pm, with lunch being served.

In a sense we will move from theory into practical application of what we have been learning from Lombard. We will focus upon specific recommendations for a healthier WPC.

Please make an effort to attend. We need your input. We had about 60 people attend the reconciliation gathering. It will be good to see you all there.

You might be thinking; “Will these recommendations really make any difference?” Yes. As your Interim Pastor one of my main responsibilities is to lead the congregation into building a healthier church culture by implementing these specific and measurable recommendations.
Please join us September 23, 8:30am – 1pm. It will be worth your time. To RSVP, click HERE

Pastor Tim

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