Interim Thoughts

On to the Next Step & The Weather

Presbytery has approved the congregational mission study. This study serves as background material for the Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC). They will use it to prepare their documents to be submitted for the search for the next Head of Staff. So, it is on to the next step of the interim process. And that is good news. Stay tuned, we will keep you informed.

It seems to me the month of March is an ongoing argument between winter and spring. I looked out my office window Sunday morning and couldn’t see much further than the parking lot. Snow! The weather in March fluctuates between early spring and winter. March is always a fluctuating month as far as weather is concerned. We find ourselves walking in the sunshine one day and bundling up for snow the next, then back into the sun! Winter is not quite ready to give up its hold while spring wants to take charge!

The weather may seem as though it cannot make up its mind. It seems always to be changing. It makes me thankful that, though the weather fluctuates and is unpredictable, God is not unpredictable.

The Scriptures tell us that, unlike the weather, God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We may not be able to count on the weather as we watch winter and spring argue with each other. But we can most certainly count upon God, unchangeable and forever there for us. Remember that the next time it snows. The weather changes, God does not. God is good!
Pastor Tim
Interim Senior Pastor

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