
As you know we are making our way through a significant transition here at WPC. As a congregation we have work to do.

And we are doing it. I believe this time is a significant opportunity for WPC. I’m pleased to see how many are committed to moving forward through this transition time. Thank you!

I also know some are hesitant to re-engage. I certainly understand. There are some strong emotions around the circumstances of the past year. That reality has caused some to decide to sit and wait to see what happens.

If you are a hesitant one let me say I completely understand. Let me add an invitation. As your Interim pastor one of my main responsibilities is to ensure WPC transitions into its healthier future. There are no other viable options for this congregation.

This is the direction WPC is heading. If you’re hesitant I invite you to come walk with us and be a part of this congregation’s future. You can be one who walks and works with us building that healthier future.

God’s excellent future for WPC beckons us forward. Come walk with us as we make it so!

Pastor Tim

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