Interim Thoughts

Give Thanks for No

I do not like being told no, do you? Yet, there are times when no is the best answer we could receive. That is especially true when it comes to prayer.

You see, I am convinced that there is no such thing as unanswered prayer. God answers all prayer. Yes is an answer. Wait is an answer. No is an answer.

Upon reflection of that “no” answer I have been thankful for every one of them. The fact is, if God had been a yes man rather than the loving Heavenly Father, my life would be quite different than it is today, and different not in a good way. During that reflection I have given thanks to God for all the times he has said no to my prayers.

The fact is, God loves us too much not to say no. If you are a parent raising children you have used the word, “no”, probably on multiple occasions. You could have said no to a snack too close to dinner. You could have said no to prevent your children from getting injured. Your love and commitment to your children fueled your use of the word, “no”.

It is the same with God, our perfect and loving Heavenly Father. Driven by his perfect love and care for us God indeed says yes. He also says wait. And at times, he also says no. God knows us and our lives better than we know ourselves. In that confidence we can even give him thanks when he says, “no”. God is good. See you Sunday.

Pastor Tim
Interim Senior Pastor

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