Interim Thoughts

How do people end up coming to church?

People responded to this question regarding what initially brought them to church:

  • 6-8% Walked in by own initiative
  • 2-3% Liked a program offered
  • 8-10% Liked the pastor
  • 3-4% Had a need met by the church
  • 1-2% Were evangelized
  • 3-4% Attracted by Sunday School
  • 70-85% Invited by a relative or friend!

Did you notice that 70-85% figure? Far and away the people of the church are the most effective means of outreach for a congregation. Christmas is a very easy time to invite people to church.

Now, when I mention inviting people to church I do not mean people who are active members of other churches! I mean specifically inviting people who are not currently attending any church. Christmas is a time when people are more inclined to accept those invitations.

Inviting someone to join us in worship is very simple. It is letting people know our worship times and inviting them to join you in one of the services.

These next two Sundays we can invite people to special worship services. This Sunday we will be having a Lessons and Carols service at 10am. The 8am service will be having a similar service.
Sunday, December 24th are the Advent/Christmas Eve services at 10am, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm. The 10am service will have more of an Advent theme. The other three services will reflect a Christmas Eve theme with the 3pm service being the Children’s service. Remember, this year the fourth Sunday of Advent falls on Christmas Eve.
So, be thinking of whom you would like to invite to join us in worship. It is an easy thing to do and it just might make an everlasting difference in someone’s life. God is good!

Pastor Tim
Interim Senior Pastor
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