Interim Thoughts

All In, All Together

During the annual meeting a question was raised concerning the elimination of the paid choir choristers’ positions. Would the paid choristers be restored? Let me fill out my answer a bit more. 

This drive is a whole church life and ministry focus. Quite frankly, it would be a shame to raise enough to restore the paid choristers while we then don’t have enough to maintain our current pastoral and administrative staffing. So, having paid choristers while we cannot staff pastoral care, youth and educational ministries would continue, and even, accelerate decline.

We are challenging the congregation to contribute to its entire life and ministries. There is no question that music ministry is important. However, youth, educational and pastoral care ministries are equally important. For that reason, all increases in resources must be applied to the entire life and ministry of the church.

As an interim, let me say that meeting this whole church life goal will impress a potential Head of Staff candidate. On the other hand, staffing and ministry cuts, while partially restoring limited things, will have a significant discouraging affect in attracting a candidate.

So let me be direct. (I’m an interim, it’s what I do!) Keeping paid choristers, while we reduce staffing for youth, education, pastoral care and administration will discourage a candidate from pursuing the Head of Staff position. It would move us from the positive gains we are seeing into negative outcomes. We are all in, all together, or we are not. I believe we are!

Let me add that we have received several pledge cards since Sunday. We will provide weekly email updates concerning the number of cards received and the additional amount raised. The deadline is March 24th. I remain convinced this congregation is too good not to meet our goals. I am equally convinced this challenge is a significant and positive turning point in the life and ministry of WPC. God is good!

Pastor Tim
Interim Senior Pastor

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