November 2023 Session Update

Session met on November 6. Here is a summary of the meeting:
New elder training will take place November 9.
The Lombard final report has been received.  Session will hold a special retreat in December to review and prioritize the recommendations.
WPC is always looking for Elders, current or resting, to attend the Presbytery meetings.  Due to the size of our congregation, WPC is able to send 3 commissioners to each Presbytery meeting.  If you are interested, please let Tim McQuade or Marian Greuling know.  The meetings are typically available on Zoom but do start during the day.

Session approved a motion to sell Kindware jewelry as part of our Alternative Christmas Gift Market again this year. The proceeds will support Kindway Prison Ministry, a ministry our church supports. The Alternative Christmas Market dates are: Sunday, Dec. 3, Dec. 10, and Dec. 17 in Fellowship Hall.

Tuesday Nights Together has met twice so far with more than 100 people attending each time. It meets again this Tuesday, Nov. 14 at 6pm.

Both the Y Family Dinner and the Community Friendship Dinner were held Monday, Nov. 6, feeding more than 100 people. This was the first time in over a year that the Friendship Dinner was served in the church, rather than take out only.
The Director of Music Ministry search was put on hold, while a review of the active member roll and the job description is completed.
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