Interim Thoughts

A Year End Stat

a line graph
Each year about this time congregations fill out statistical reports for the PCUSA. One of those stats is reporting the number of people on the membership rolls. That membership number contains a number within a number.

There is an official number, which for WPC, is around 900 or so members. While that represents the official number of folks on the rolls, the truth is only about 550 of the 900 are active members. That 550 or so is that number within the number.

Some may be thinking we are a congregation of about 1160. At one time we were. The downward trend in membership occurring in many congregations was happening for some time. COVID hit the accelerator on that downward trend.

One of the struggles congregations have during an interim is realizing that things have changed and that is also true for WPC. One response to that change is to assign blame for the decline. Another reaction is to embrace denial and declare the numbers are not accurate. Still another reaction is to lament this reality and lose hope.

The healthy response is for a congregation to engage the trend by sharpening its focus and ministries. Yes, WPC has not been a congregation of 1160 for some time. However, there is an active core and we are seeking to engage the community and culture and sharpen our focus.

Keep praying for WPC. God is clearly NOT finished with us yet. God is good!

Pastor Tim
Interim Senior Pastor
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