Interim Thoughts

transformation definition in dictionary highlighted
This month we have been using our congregation’s mission statement as the preaching series in worship. It is the foundation of our generosity emphasis. The statement reads:

In Christ's love, we connect, serve, and transform.

This Sunday we will focus on the last word of that statement; transform. We will be focusing upon Romans 12:1-2 as we think about transformation. I encourage you to read it before Sunday. I hope you reflect upon those two verses.

The purpose of our generosity and pledges is not to meet a budget or to ensure the survival of the congregation. Rather, the purpose of our commitment to generosity is transformation.

Taken seriously the commitment to live generosity transforms our lives. It causes us to reflect upon the commitments we make, how we spend our time, and how we view our finances. These things are spiritual issues for us.

Generosity, applied to our lives through God’s grace transforms us. Making a commitment to generosity transforms those whom we serve and those with whom we connect. It allows us together as a congregation to be a conduit of positive transformation expanding the boundaries of the Kingdom of God.

So, for the remainder of this week, read Romans 12:1-2 each day. Sit quietly, reflect and pray about how these verses transform your commitment to generosity. You and I cannot be conduits of transformation unless we ourselves are first transformed. God is good. See you Sunday!


Pastor Tim
Interim Senior Pastor
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