Interim Thoughts

A Temporary January

Hello January
I have to admit I am not one who loves January. I know there are people who really enjoy winter and snow and such. Others escape January by embracing the Snowbird life. Then there are those of us who are not thrilled with winter but cannot escape it.

I have a choice each January. I can complain about the cold, short, dark days of winter. However, I strive not to choose that option. Here is the option I choose: Winter does not have the last word.

Each January day brings us one day closer to spring. Each day is a minute or so longer than the previous one. Sunset on January 8th was 5:23pm, January 9th 5:24pm, and January 10th 5:25pm, and that process continues.

You see what is happening? These increasing lengths of days are loosening winter’s grip. We may experience an artic blast of frigid air. But the longer days and the inevitable march toward spring will put an end to those blasts. We are definitely heading toward spring.

So, bundle up, it’s January out there. Don’t forget your hat and gloves. If January gets you down remember, spring is on the way and will inevitably be here! Winter is temporary. That’s a fact! God is good!

Pastor Tim
Interim Senior Pastor
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